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Radio Infrastructure


Always Available Communications
Keep your teams safer and more efficient.

Maximize the functionality and scalability of your two-way radio communications with robust infrastructure products. Motorola Solutions' diverse portfolio of infrastructure products offers complete solutions to maximize the performance of your two-way radio system, helping to ensure clarity, reliability and security.

The ASTRO® 25 Advantage
When lives are on the line, effective coordination of your teams is essential.
Make sure you choose a communication system that won't let you down.

Your Lifeline to a Successful Mission
Project (P25) Systems offers reliable communications for the safety of your team and those you serve.

Site equipment, transport and integration. From a small conventional system to a statewide trunked network, we have all.

View P25 Infrastructure

No matter how large or small your enterprise, MOTOTRBO offers a wide range of systems specifically designed for your business – for the days ahead and the years beyond. You get the best of two-way radio with digital technology and enjoy integrated voice and data communication, increased capacity, enhanced features and exceptional voice quality, across the city and around the globe.

MOTOTRBO™ systems are designed to scale with your organization, so you can grow as large as you like. Repeaters, controllers and gateways are the backbone of your MOTOTRBO two-way radio system. They ensure your radio network is available at all times and that communications are clear, reliable and secure across your enterprise.

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